
I ran across a fascinating statistic recently when I was preparing to do the session on "Eliminating the Noise" - only 3% of adults have written goals (actually, the way I heard it went like this: only 3% of adults have written goals, everyone else works for them!) I found this hard to believe. Most of us have an appreciation for the power of setting and tracking goals. How else do we know if we're successful? Yet when I brought up this topic I invited the group (probably about 50 people) to go ahead and pull out their goals for 2012, either hard copy or off of their phones, laptops, etc. No one did! No one had them.
As BD professionals, we are constantly measuring ourselves against a goal, which is typically our quota. Yet, many of us lack goals in other areas of our lives. In the last posting I mentioned the idea of setting SMART goals - specific, measurable, actionable, realistic and time-bound. I will just add a point here about keeping it simple. What if we only had to set 4-5 goals for the year? That would be easy, right? Set just one goal for a few key topic areas - professional, financial, health, personal growth, family... This would be quick and easy and set you apart from most adults. It would give you a target to shoot for and would most likely lead you to better results over the course of the year.
Maybe one of goals should be to set and keep ourselves accountable to a few key goals!
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