Sales Tip: Delivery Options

Sales Tip: Delivery Options

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Mark Shonka

Mark Shonka Mark Shonka

One of the key elements of the IMPAX Process is "Advance". It is the fourth of four elements and is where the process culminates in the delivery of a compelling message to the decision maker. The name of the element brings out the goal of this step - to advance the opportunity to the appropriate next stage.

Often, as so many of you know, the message is delivered via a formal presentation in a conference room or board room with appropriate visual aids. However, things are changing and we have the opportunity to take advantage of different options for the delivery of the message, including:

Virtual meeting - given cost constraints and logistical challenges, more and more of us are delivering some or all of our presentations via a virtual meeting. There are many good conference call/meeting facilities out there that assist us in making these presentations as interesting and interactive as possible, with annotation, polling questions, video presence...
Phone - many of our clients utilize an inside sales team and are used to delivering this message verbally on the phone with no visual aids, or by using a deck that was sent to the participants via email.
Verbal - in this case the message is delivered in person but not in a formal presentation setting (e.g., at a conference or trade show)
Proposal - another option is to include the message as a part of a proposal response, usually in an executive summary.

There are many different options, and we need to be flexible in how we deliver the message. Whatever delivery mechanism we use, the message should always be delivered in the IMPAX flow of Them-Us-Fit-Action.

IMPAX recently heard about a client who delivered his presentation in the equipment yard of a prospect, while setting his tablet on a competitor's piece of equipment. He did whatever he needed to do in order to deliver the message, and yes, he did get the business!

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