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Mark Shonka

Mark Shonka Mark Shonka

In July 2016's IMPAX Tip of the Month, we reflected on the old sales saying, "ABC - Always Be Closing".  This Tip got me thinking about the biggest issues associated with closing, including (IMO):

  • Not closing (simply neglecting to ask a closing question)
  • Closing the wrong person (someone who can't say yes)
  • Asking poor closing questions ("What do you think"?)
  • Using cheesy closing techniques (e.g. the Puppy Dog, the Expiring Offer...)

Ironically, another issue might be the drive to "Always Be Closing". Even though this saying may be well intended, it seems to go against the grain of what many of us believe. Sales and relationship management is probably a more sophisticated profession than it was when that phrase was coined. This phrase infers that the close is more important than the fit or the outcome, which most of us would not agree with.

Now, good timing and judgement are critical to closing effectively. Even more importantly, we need to make sure we are closing people who can actually say yes. For us to close effectively, we need:

  • The right knowledge
  • A compelling proposition
  • An audience with the decision maker
  • A passion for the outcome

In thinking about "ABC", maybe the key point is really that we need to keep the ball rolling and keep moving toward the desired outcome. There are many ways, short of trying to close someone, where we can advance the effort. These questions, and many others, could advance the effort:

  • "Who else do you think I should connect with to better understand the current situation?"
  • "What is the typical buying process you go through when making this type of decision?"
  • "Who are the key players involved in this decision?"
  • "How would you suggest I schedule a meeting with (name)?"
  • "If this issue were resolved, how would things change?"

All of these questions would advance the effort and set the stage for an effective close. Maybe that's why I prefer, "ABA - Always Be Advancing".

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