March 2006 Tip: A Fantastic Flow

March 2006 Tip: A Fantastic Flow

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Mark Shonka

Mark Shonka Mark Shonka

As we sell, we realize that there are many reasons to make a presentation to both customers and prospects. We might be positioning a potential business relationship with an executive for the first time, or making a solution or proposal presentation, or conducting a relationship review, or making a closing presentation.

In any of these settings, there is a consistent flow we can follow to improve our odds of success. This flow includes 4 simple steps:


We begin by sharing what we've learned about them and their situation - their objectives, strategies, and issues, among other things. We then present our own story, and why we are or should be a strategic and timely resource for them. Then we transition to the fit, the business and/or solution fit, and how we can help them accomplish their objectives, implement their strategies and address their issues. After this, we present our recommendations and desired action steps, and close appropriately. After all, that's why we're there - to move the ball forward! This presentation flow will definitely help us do just that.

For more information on this flow, and for samples of these different types of presentations, please see our book, Beyond Selling Value available online at

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