November 2015 Tip: Honing the Delivery
November 2015 Tip: Honing the Delivery
In our last few Tips we have focused on the importance of rehearsing our presentations, and shared some strategies for rehearsing effectively. In the October Tip, "Master the Content" we specifically focused on the importance of getting our content committed to memory. After all, it is so much easier to hone our delivery skills when we are not worried about forgetting what we were going to say or wondering how we get from Point A to Point B.
When the content is coming easily and the transitions are moving along smoothly, we can really focus on the finer points of our delivery skills -- body movement, use of gestures, eye contact, voice control and pacing, among others.
In order to hone our delivery, we need feedback. The old adage, "Practice Makes Perfect", simply isn't true. If we practice poor delivery over and over again, there's no reason to think it will get better. We need to hear or see what's working and what's not working in order to improve our skills. Consider these methods to get immediate feedback:
Rehearse with a live audience. This group should understand what you are trying to accomplish and be able to give productive, accurate feedback. An ideal group would include peers and leaders who understand what good looks like.
Utilize video. By videotaping your rehearsal session, you can see what went well and what didn't go well. Warning: not many of us enjoy hearing our own voices and watching ourselves deliver on video!
Rehearse to a mirror. Although less than optimal, this gives you immediate feedback. If you are crossing your arms or putting your hands in your pockets, you will see that yourself and be able to self-correct.
All of these options can feel awkward, but stick with it. Your delivery will improve and the results will be more than worth the time and effort you invested in your rehearsal activities.
Please see our blog for more specific ideas on effective skills in the areas of body movement, use of gestures, eye contact, voice control and pacing, and others.
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