Anticipating Traps Part 2

Anticipating Traps Part 2
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As you think about these types of questions, think about the importance of who you are doing your research with.
- With a coach, you can cut through all the nuance and get true insights about:
- The key players and their priorities
- Your competitors and their strategy
- Your optimal strategy
- With an evaluator you need to be careful and discerning
- Are they giving you the straight story?
- Could they develop into a coach?
- Could they actually be a gatekeeper, or develop into one?
- With a gatekeeper, you need to be nimble and not get blocked
- How aggressive are they?
- How powerful are they?
- Should you engage or avoid?
- With a procurement contact you need to find out:
- What is their involvement in the process?
- How much influence do they actually have?
- How balanced is their perspective?
- With the Decision Maker
- First you have to identify them
- Then you have to get to them
- Then you have to blow them away!
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