Good Coaching

Good Coaching

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Mark Shonka

Mark Shonka Mark Shonka

Building on the last entry, in these meetings we also felt it was important to consider the flip side, or "what do good coaches do well?"  Here are some of the strategies that were identified:

  1. Display core values
  2. Listen effectively
  3. Provide encouragement
  4. Work with their people but don't take over
  5. Set clear goals and expectations
  6. Develop their people
  7. Recognize and motivate
  8. Communicate clearly
  9. Know the subject/use the tools
  10. Hold people accountable

This is a good list, but a key point needs to be emphasized - good coaching is consistent.

Again we heard that it's not enough to do these things once in a while by instinct, they need to be done consistently by design. A great coach probably does all of these things (and many others) all of the time.

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