January 2002 Tip: Use of Titles

January 2002 Tip: Use of Titles

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Mark Shonka

Mark Shonka Mark Shonka

The idea of not using titles in a business letter may seem foreign to many of us, however this may be a very appropriate strategy when using an IMPAX access letter. On deciding whether to use a title or not it's important to ask the question, "Does my title enhance my letter?" If your title is senior and supports a like-rank selling position with the senior executive you are sending the letter to o terrific! Use your title in the letter.

Unfortunately though, most of our titles don't support like-rank positioning. Most of our titles are significantly lower in rank on an org chart, than the decision maker we are sending our letter to. If this is the case it is better to let your letter, rather than your title, speak to your capabilities and expertise.  An effective, well-researched IMPAX access letter will strongly position you in the eyes of the senior executive as a smart, senior business executive, not just a "sales rep." Why invite that description? In the end, if you are not sure, go without the title when sending a letter to senior executives.

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